Reporting to the user that Java is not working

    The box below contains a simple Java Applet that should display "Java is working".  If Java does not work the box should show an image with the words "Java is not working".

The basic idea is to provide a background image saying that Java is not working and cover this with a working Java applet.  The height of the table cell must be set to ensure that the background image is displayed.

Relevant HTML code (for the inner table used to display the results):

<table border="0" background="no_java.gif" width="163" height="26" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td>
<APPLET code="java_working.class" WIDTH=163 HEIGHT=26></APPLET></td></tr></table>

This works on the following platforms with Java disabled in the following ways:

Reportedly this does not work using the text-only Lynx browser.  Another version of this test at this link using the applet's ALT attribute reportedly works for Lynx, but does not work for Netscape.

If you have any insights, problem reports or comments about this test page please contact Mickey Segal.  A listing of  many Java resources is at this link.

Java applet source code:  

import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class java_working extends Applet {

public void init()

public void paint(Graphics g)
    g.setFont(new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, 20));
    g.drawString("Java is working", 3, 19);
} // END OF Class java_working